1 Corinthians
The Resurrection – the Gospel Core
Paul reminds the Corinthians of the good news that saves us if we continue to believe it. What was most important? That Christ died for our sins, was buried and was raised from the dead – all as the Scriptures had said. The risen Jesus was seen by Peter, the twelve, and more than 500 at one time – many of whom were still alive when Paul wrote this letter. He was seen by James, the apostles, and finally by…
Desiring Spiritual Gifts
Some controversial verses – but all for the encouragement of the church.
The Most Excellent Way
Sermon on 1 Corinthians 13.
The Lord’s Supper
Paul wrote to a church where there were serious social divides. How does one celebrate the Lord’s Supper in such a context – and how does the Corinthian situation and Paul’s solution apply to us today?