Sermons on 1 Corinthians
Women be silent?
Next month, the acting head of the Baptist Union of Western Australia will be coming to preach for us. Speaking with them at the annual pastor’s conference a few months ago, however, they told me they thought that only about 25% of Baptist churches in Western Australia would be open to the idea of them coming to preach. Why? Simply because the acting head is a woman. Many Christians have been taught that the Bible rejects the idea of a…
Alive? Alive!
Today’s passage: 1 Corinthians 15 There’s an exercise that one can do to try and come to a better understanding of who you are as a person. On a piece of paper, drawn a straight line, representing time. On the left hand side, mark a line for your birth. Above your straight line represents good, and below the line represents bad. The exercise is to think back over your entire life, and to graph your life. When things go really…
Today’s passages: 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 2, John 1:16-17, Romans 6 This weekend, we’re starting a brand new series exploring some of the important words that we use all the time as Christians: grace, faith, hope and love. These words represent key concepts for us in our lives as apprentices to Jesus. They’re also concepts that a lot of us Christians struggle with. This week’s word, grace, is certainly one of those concepts that a lot of people struggle to…
The Meaning of Life
This week’s passage: 1 Corinthians 12 Today we are looking at 1 Corinthians chapter 12. This chapter considers the Spiritual Gifts that God gives to his people in the Church. Not everyone has the same Spiritual gift, nor the same method for using that gift. Some are aware they have gifts and others are yet to experience or use their gifts. As we are experiencing growth and changes in our Church we need to examine ourselves and ask: What is…
God and Same-Sex Marriage
Sitting on my counter at home right now is an envelope from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, containing a survey question asking whether Australia should legalise same-sex marriage. It’s been a long road getting to this point, with many political turns along the way. The question is one that has been raised several times over the last few years. And, unfortunately, this is an issue where the Christian church has been seen to be unloving, unkind and ungracious. Christians are…
1 Corinthians 13
The Resurrection – the Gospel Core
Paul reminds the Corinthians of the good news that saves us if we continue to believe it. What was most important? That Christ died for our sins, was buried and was raised from the dead – all as the Scriptures had said. The risen Jesus was seen by Peter, the twelve, and more than 500 at one time – many of whom were still alive when Paul wrote this letter. He was seen by James, the apostles, and finally by…
Desiring Spiritual Gifts
Some controversial verses – but all for the encouragement of the church.
The Most Excellent Way
Sermon on 1 Corinthians 13.
The Lord’s Supper
Paul wrote to a church where there were serious social divides. How does one celebrate the Lord’s Supper in such a context – and how does the Corinthian situation and Paul’s solution apply to us today?